Thursday, November 15, 2012

I had been feeling fairly calm about this project - I have a concept, an appropriate way to incorporate the blog, a few books to research the general idea, a strategy for developing the project. . .everything was coming along. I felt good.

This feeling of serenity was shattered by a quick glance at the frischleads page. "20-25 pages, at least 15 printed sources (non-electronic) and 2 live interviews, 3 audio/visual sources and 5 printed/electronic sources." That's a LOT of sources.(!!) The second option is a little less daunting; "12-15 page paper using at least 7 outside printed sources (not electronic), a live interview, 1 audio/visual source and 3 printed/electronic sources." But even though I would absolutely love to create an art piece as the culmination project, my topic doesn't lend itself well to a painting or drawing...So the 22.5 page paper it is.

Let's do some math here (my other favorite topic.) Throughout the course of this school year, I will read 9 works in AP English (Brave New World, White Noise, Medea, The Odyssey, Cold Mountain, Hamlet, Crime and Punishment, Things Fall Apart, Atonement.) Any/All of those can count towards the 15 non electric sources. East Of Eden (the Tikvah summer reading) makes 10. Non fiction works (studies) will count also - I reserved (without calculating beforehand) exactly 5 books on familial psychology from the public library. This makes a perfect 15, if I find sufficient information in every book. In the event that I don't feel like using a particular book, I can reserve more psychology books or introduce a new novel for analysis. (Elisheva Rosen suggested the book Jacob I have Loved). 

The other sources can't be calculated beforehand. I'll need to decide what type of person I would like to interview and how I can get his/her contact information. I'll need to ask Mrs. Geller for any visual sources and/or any forum to find them. I'll need to scour the web for websites will relevant information.

I'm less concerned about the non-paper sources - we modern teenagers are totally confident in our ability to find things on the internet. But now that I mapped it out, the 15 non-electric sources doesn't intimidate me - I have plenty of viable options. I'm in a good place.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

For the 11/8 blog assignment, we were instructed to look up other blogs and see how other people have been faring. It's actually very interesting to see what other people have been doing. Ariana (and Sara Ravid) - love the idea of comparing books and their movie adaptations! I've compared the two in conversation - which is pretty typical - but never would have thought to do so as a senior project idea. I'm excited to see which books/movies you chose to do - I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd, so I would love if you used those. I wonder what you'll have to say...I'll definitely be following you!